Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Does A Cash Gifting Program Really Work As A Home Based Business Alternative?

The Truth About Cash Gifting - Part 1

We've all heard about the next BIG home based business opportunity. You know, the one that will make you an instant millionaire and you won't have to do any work to get there. All you have to do is send in your money and the next thing you know in 30 to 60 days you will never have to go to the 9 to 5 ever again. Yes, and I have a parcel of land ...

We also all know that marketing on the internet can be a risky business at best if we know nothing about the company or better yet some of the people that promote the company. More and more we all need to have our scam radar working overtime to decipher the real work at home opportunity from the Get Rich Quick scheme.

Does A Cash Gifting Program Really Work As A Home Based Business Alternative?

One of the best income opportunities ever offered is a "real" Cash Gifting program. Now with that said it must be brought to light that there is a difference in this type of program. Some cash programs in the past were just "pyramid schemes" dressed up for a night out on the town. So let's look at what it takes to make a real Cash Gifting program work for anyone that gets involved.

Cash Gifting can be defined as: The act of privately or publicly giving another person or entity a declared sum of cash, (as a gift) and giving it freely without coerce or consideration. Cash Gifting is in no way a loan or any type of payment for goods or services received. Now guess why it's called a cash gift... because that's exactly what it is.

Let's lay out a few of the reasons some of the Cash Gifting programs in the past have failed in a very short time:

1) The founders of some of these programs had no concept of how to set up a proper
Cash Gifting program to assist the members with a working "business model". Any home based business or work at home opportunity needs a proper plan of operation to be a success, even a Cash Gifting program.

2) No tracking system was devised to keep all of the members abreast of what monies were coming their way or when to expect them.

3) There were no legal documents created nor provided to outline the transfers of cash gifts from one person to another.

4) In some instances there was no proven or tested marketing system provided for the members. Along with not providing tested marketing concepts, the members were set up to fail before they ever got started, unless they were seasoned veterans.

5) Without a way to track the members advertising efforts no one knew what, when, why or how their hard earned dollars were being spent and what in fact was their ROI. (Return On Investment)

So what did this all lead up to? In the past many Cash Gifting programs quickly got labeled as unethical and some were called pyramid schemes or even scams. Now, in most instances this was not true, but without a proper "business model", destiny prevailed. I'm sure a large number of us have received the "Send to 5 people and you can make a kazillion dollars in the next 30 days" letter. That type of Cash Gifting letter is the perfect example of the old adage "one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch".

Stay tuned for part two of this series and more relevant information on Cash Gifting and other home based business opportunities.

God Bless and Always Remember To Make It A Great Day!!

Michael J Kohn

New Image Marketing Group, Inc.

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Michael Kohn has been in sales and marketing for over 25 years. He currently makes a living as president of New Image Marketing Group Inc., an internet marketing and direct sales company. He brings a modern and easy-to-follow approach to direct and on-line selling. A native of Wisconsin, Mike was previously an insurance claims adjuster for the banking industry. Visit At:,

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to Spot Mental Abuse in Relationships and What to Do About It

Mental abuse is a bit trickier than verbal abuse. Mental abuse is a pattern of behavior or speech that makes you feel you are being played with, controlled, and intimidated. When you are the victim of mental abuse, you find yourself feeling more and more insecure, less and less vibrant, and more confused; you feel as if you need to ask your partner for permission to do things, buy things, go places. You may even feel that you need to ask permission in regard to your spiritual preferences.

Mental abuse occurs when you are told what to do and when to do it, when you are ordered around as if you were in a prison camp. Mental abuse often comes disguised. For example, the abuser may conveniently have amnesia and twist facts to suit his preferences. Even though you know what you are talking about, the abuser tells you that you are wrong. Or the abuser may say he will do such-and-such, never do it, and then say he doesn't remember telling you he would do the thing to begin with.

To put it in a nutshell, mental abuse has you scratching your head and wondering if you are losing your mind. You wonder if it's you, if maybe you're making a lot of mistakes and hearing things incorrectly.

How to Spot Mental Abuse in Relationships and What to Do About It

The truth is that when you feel this way, when you find that you consistently question your sanity, you are being mentally abused.

Control, manipulation, intimidation, convenient amnesia, harassment, threats, all of these are mental abuse. They threaten your peace of mind, your sanity. And one day you look at yourself and think you need psychotherapy. This is the effect of mental abuse. It causes insanity.

I was giving a tele-seminar one evening based on my book Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE. One participant asked, "Isn't it okay to take just a little abuse? I mean, no one is perfect." To which I replied, "I am going to answer your question with a question. If you put your hand in a pot of boiling water, take your hand out so that it can heal, and then put just one finger back into the boiling water, is that okay? I mean, it's just one finger--not the whole hand."

No! It is not okay to tolerate abuse at all, any more than it is okay to put one finger into a pot of boiling water. Abuse hurts!

Abuse cannot be tolerated at all. You cannot make or accept excuses because with excuses, you allow the abuse to continue. You must leave the situation entirely. There is no other way.

Here's the second real-life situation. I had a client who felt there was a wall between her husband and her. There was no passion in bed; it was like living with a roommate. He would say unkind (read abusive) comments to her, but she felt this was not all that bad. They did not have open, honest, and genuine communication. They were just going through the motions in their marriage, which was only a shell of what they had had years earlier. Through our private sessions, my client came into her truth. She began to honor her needs and acknowledge how she felt when her husband spoke to her in a demeaning manner. After a number of weeks had passed, she began to feel her genuine worth, dignity, and self-love rise to the surface. As a result, she was ready to leave the marriage. Then her husband did a complete about-face. They shared their feelings from their hearts, they consciously re-created their relationship, the abusive comments ceased permanently, and their marriage was re-ignited into a conscious union of two people who dearly loved each other and were equally committed to making their love flourish.

Here is the catch. For an abusive pattern to change, you have to change. You have to take personal responsibility to never allow yourself to be spoken down to. It is you who has to create healthy boundaries to protect your self-esteem, and at the first sign of abuse you must make it clear that you will not tolerate it. If the relationship is new, the first sign of abuse needs to be the last sign; you should make skid marks as you take off in the opposite direction.

If the abuse is a pattern in a long-term relationship, you must disengage yourself from having contact with the abusive person.

Guess what will happen? Once your self-esteem has increased and you create your new boundaries, you will naturally attract people into your life who would never dream of degrading you in any way.

Now, I created this book to help you go through your own personal transformation. Will it be easy? No. It will not be easy. Personal transformation is one of the most difficult, scariest experiences a person can face. It is an experience that will cause you to feel shaken up until the inner transformation is made.

What is required? Being completely honest with yourself. This is the vital key to personal transformation. Remember: if I could do it, so can you.

Chapter excerpt © Copyright by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved from the book Know Yourself: A Woman's Guide to Wholeness, Radiance & Supreme Confidence. Published by The Rose Group (January 2005) ISBN: 0974145742

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Barbara Rose, Ph.D. is the best selling author of nine books including If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!, Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE, and Know Yourself. She is an internationally recognized expert in personal transformation, relationships, consciousness and spiritual awakening, and a pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication, the nondenominational study and integration of humanity's God Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. Dr. Rose is known for providing life changing answers, quick practical coaching and deep spiritual wisdom to people worldwide as the Founding Director Institute of Higher Self Communication. Her highly acclaimed books, public speaking events, spiritual intensives, teleseminars, webcasts, and internationally published articles have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. Dr. Rose works in cooperation with some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. Web:

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Teleseminar Secret Tip - How to Create Multiple Streams of Income from Your Teleseminar Transcripts

When you conduct a teleseminar, you can have it recorded and then transcribed. You then have the foundation for creating multiple streams of income from your teleseminar transcript. Yes, you heard me correctly, multiple, that's many streams of income just from a transcript. Here's how -

A 3 ring binder

You can put the transcripts in a three ring binder and have those shipped out. The reason why we do that with the three ring binder is to get branding on the bookshelf in the person's home or library. Also, when something is physical it is less likely to get returned. I would not advise you to put it in a spiral-bind... simply because you cannot brand yourself with a spiral binder.

Teleseminar Secret Tip - How to Create Multiple Streams of Income from Your Teleseminar Transcripts

Other digital options

You can resell the audio transcripts in digital format, which is nothing more than delivering it via molecules on the net with a pdf and mp3 online. You can put it on a CD, stick that into a DVD case so it doesn't break, because the jewel cases of course break, they're brittle, like you get in the music store. Put it in a DVD case so it doesn't break, you've got more surface area, and a spine so you can brand yourself as well, on the bookshelf.

So the simple steps are these - conduct the teleseminar, have it recorded and/or record it yourself, have it transcribed (DON"T try this yourself) and then repurpose the transcripts into multiple information products and create multiple streams of income from your teleseminar transcripts.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

10 Great Businesses to Start in 2011

Do you want to start a new business but don't have any great ideas? Well, that's great, because I have too many ideas but not enough time to start a business for each idea I have. So, in this blog post I'll share 10 great startup ideas. Just so you know, this is not a list of "leftover" ideas that I'm giving away because I don't believe in them; I'd start these businesses myself in a blink if I had the time. Unfortunately, I'm involved in five startups at the moment, so these ideas are for you to take. If you start any of these businesses, let me know. I'll be your first customer.

A Service that Allows Hotels and Airlines to Sell their Empty Rooms/Seats

The Problem: The cost of flying a plane from Denver to New York is almost the same whether the plane is full or there's only one passenger on it. If an airline gets for a seat that was selling for 0 the night before, it's not great for them, but it's a lot better than not getting anything. Same thing for hotels: every night that a hotel has an empty room, that's money that they're leaving on the table.

10 Great Businesses to Start in 2011

The Solution: What if there was a service that allowed people to place bids on hotel rooms and flights? Airlines and hotels could secretly accept the bids at the last minute. For example, let's say I want to go to Europe for a month. I'm willing to pay 0 for a one-way ticket and I require a 4-hour minimum notice from the airline. Airplanes leave to Europe with empty seats every day. The first airline willing to take my money would get it. The key here is to allow the airlines and hotels to accept bids secretly. After all, if you paid 0 for a flight, you wouldn't like knowing that the guy next to you paid only .

This service should be offered online and also through mobile phone apps, because most travelers use their mobile devices a lot while traveling.

A Smart Parking Assistant

The Problem: If you live in a big city, parking is probably a big problem for you. Finding an empty spot is probably very difficult and chances are you don't always have enough coins to pay for parking. And, even if you did, who likes walking half a block to the meter, get the receipt and then walk back to their car to put the receipt in it?

The Solution: An app that you can install on your GPS device or your Smart Phone (iPhone, Android, etc.) that:

Finds empty parking spots and tells your where they are so you don't have to drive around in circles until you find an empty spot. Uses BlueTooth technology or your phone's Internet connection to send your payment information to a central server that collects your payment and lets the city know your parking spot has been paid for.

Cool iPhone App to Buy Products from Affiliates

In case you don't know what affiliate marketing is, it's when a business pays their partners a commission for every sale they help them make. has a great affiliate program. What if you developed a really cool iPhone app that makes the experience of buying books on your phone a lot more enjoyable? You could use your affiliate link so every time someone buys a book from Amazon using your app, Amazon will pay you a commission. The best part? You'll get paid during the lifetime of that customer, not just once. This would probably make you a lot of money even if only 1,000 people used your app. And, don't limit yourself to Amazon! There are a lot of great companies that offer affiliate programs!

The key? Include a sharing component in your app so the users can share the items they buy on Facebook and Twitter so their friends can see them. This is a great way to get this app to go viral!

Video Content Indexing Service

The Problem: Let's say you're searching for a video about "growing yellow tomatoes". There's a guy in a video who mentions that exact same phrase: "growing yellow tomatoes", but he called the video "Gardening Tips" and "growing yellow tomatoes" is nowhere to be found in the video title, the description or the tags. Because YouTube doesn't automatically transcribe videos, you won't be able to find the yellow tomatoes video, even though that's exactly what you're looking for.

The Solution: A technology that converts spoken audio into indexable text. You could license or sell this technology to YouTube or their competitors, or charge companies to automatically add captions to any video. Even better: once an audio file has been converted into text, a translation engine can translate the content to several languages! And a text-to-speech engine could covert that Japanese text into Japanese audio! Imagine recording a video about gardening that gets automatically translated into Japanese!

A Tool for Remote Collaboration

The Problem: More and more people are working from their homes. This is great! They don't have to commute to work, they can eat healthier at home and spend more time with their families. There's a problem, though. Communicating with co-workers and clients over the phone and by email isn't as effective as communicating in person.

The Solution: A web app that emulates in-person interaction. It would allow you to:

Draw on a piece of paper that you and the rest of your team are looking at the same time. See each other's faces (because so much is said with body language). See each other's computer's screens (and, everybody should be able to work together on one screen, too). Real-time voice and text translation, as more and more companies have branches, employees and contractors overseas.

I've seen some OK collaboration tools out there, but, in my opinion, nothing comes even close to resembling the experience of in-person interaction so far.

Service that Offers You Discounts on What You're About to Buy

We all hate spammers. They flood us with offers for products we don't even want. But, what if when you're about to check out at the grocery store you were offered a coupon for the purchase you're about to make? What if when you're about to buy a pair of Nike shoes online this service alerted you that you can get the same pair for less on some other site? Even better, what if this software asked you a few questions and learned from your behavior so it could offer you discounts on the things you buy every day instead of things you don't need or want? Who doesn't like paying less for things we buy every day? What he hate are offers for things we don't want.

Online Grocery Shopping

Imagine if your grocery store offered you to buy your groceries online. You could order the same stuff you ordered last time (if you always buy the same stuff). You could search by keyword or browse categories. You could set up auto-purchases for certain items you need every week and get the orders delivered whenever it's convenient for you. The engine should make relevant recommendations, such as, "You're buying cereal, do you want to add milk?" or "Three months ago you bought a tooth brush. Do you need a new one?"

I'm actually surprised that the main grocery stores aren't offering this service already. You can buy anything you want online, so why not groceries from your favorite grocery store?

Other Ideas

People are a lot more conscious about what they eat than they were 10 years ago. A lot of people would only eat organic products if they were more affordable, but organic products are usually twice as expensive as their non-organic counterparts. Companies offering organic products at competitive prices are going to make a lot of money. When your car breaks, towing it costs a fortune and you don't have a car for a couple of days. What if a car repair shop picked up your car for free, gave you a car to drive while they fix yours and then bring your fixed car back to you? Posting photos and videos to a blog is very time-consuming. I just came back from a roadtrip and had hundreds of photos and videos. I wish I had had a software that could browse through my phone, upload all my content to the web and post it to my blog automatically.

As you can see, all these are things I wish existed so I COULD USE THEM. The best businesses start this way. Someone wishes something were done differently and a new product or service is born. These people usually do a really good job because they understand the pain and know what the perfect solution would look like. I love technology, so most of my business ideas are technology-related, but if you're a baker or a mailman, maybe you can think of a better/cheaper/more effective way to bake bread or deliver mail.

So, what do you think? Do some of these ideas already exist? Which of these ideas do you like the best? Which of these do you think won't work? Why?

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Spiritual Bypass or Breakthrough - Three Keys for Practical Spiritual Transformation

Longing to Know our Divine Essence

Whether we consciously recognize it or not, from my perspective, we are all called to a greater awakening into Spirit, into the awareness of being part of the great presence of God, the creative Intelligence behind all universes. We long to know our connection, our oneness with that Divinity.

Human Experience Doesn't Always Line Up with Spiritual

Spiritual Bypass or Breakthrough - Three Keys for Practical Spiritual Transformation

At the same time, we live in a very material, very human world. We make choices and have experiences that don't always line up with spiritual reality.

Bypass or Breakthrough?

In counseling with people who are on a spiritual path, I've found two distinct approaches to dealing with human experiences that might block our greater experience of the Divine, not to mention blocking greater happiness and success in daily living.

Perhaps because we don't know there is a more effective approach, some of us habitually choose a spiritual by-pass. That's when we have an inner challenge and instead of going deeply within, facing the discomfort, and doing the work required to resolve the issue or heal the hurt, we say some positive words and pretend or hope the issue will go away.

Sometimes we choose the spiritual bypass because of fear of what we would have to face inwardly -- shame, guilt, judgments, negative self-perceptions, the pain of old wounds. We skate around the issue, tell ourselves it's okay, repeat a few positive statements, but inwardly something still goes, "Clunk."

Practical Spiritual Breakthroughs

Some of us have learned how to create consistent practical spiritual breakthroughs. That's when we do actually acknowledge, lovingly confront and embrace the issues that demand attention. In so doing, we release them, creating an opening for greater awareness of our own Divine Essence -- our own peace, loving, truth, joy, harmony, upliftment and Light. A remarkable author and teacher, John-Roger, has said repeatedly that It takes great courage to see the face of God because first you have to look at your own.

Many times we have to address these inner challenges over and over, gently chipping away chunks of the "icebergs" in our unconscious. Or we can think of it as peeling an onion. We get a breakthrough, experience more peace and loving, but a few months later the issue comes around again and we get to explore and break through to a deeper level.

How to Create Your Own Practical Spiritual Breakthroughs

How can you create more of these practical spiritual breakthroughs, clearing space to connect with your Divine Essence more often and more completely?

Go for the deeper work available in your own challenging situations. If necessary, get some short term counseling support from someone who understands these processes and has done their own deep work for spiritual growth.

Three Keys for Transformation

Here are three simple keys you can apply within your own quest for spiritual breakthroughs.

1) Accept what is.

Look deeply and dare to see it for what it is. Affirm, "I am willing to see this clearly."

2) Love all of yourself,

Even the parts of you that don't seem to cooperate. Consciously apply loving to each seemingly negative aspect and allow it to transform itself. Dialogue with caring and appreciation for whatever that aspect is teaching you. Say, "I love you. I'm listening. Is there anything you want to say to me now?"

3) Forgive yourself

As often as necessary for your consciousness to shift from judgment to acceptance and loving. Say, "I forgive myself for judging myself as . . . (a quality like stupid) or for . . . (doing or thinking or saying whatever it was)."

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While you are opening to more spiritual breakthroughs, I invite you visit my website for various articles on loving yourself into greater personal peace, tips on meditating, and so forth.

You might also want to sign up for my free newsletter, 17 Simple Stress Solutions, at If you receive this newsletter, you will get notification if and when I resume free teleseminars dealing with self-compassion, personal peace and practical spiritual growth.

Dr. Ilenya Marrin is a spiritual counselor, inspirational speaker and author of ebooks The Power of Personal Peace: Reducing Stress by Loving Yourself from the Inside Out and 77 Loving Steps for Success.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

What Is a Podcast and How Does It Work?

Podcasts can be an effective method of developing traffic, attracting customers and building your credibility. It can turn you from a want to-be to a true expert in the eyes of your customers and prospects.

But what is a podcast?

The term itself is a contraction of two words - iPod and broadcast. The Apple iPod of course, is an MP3 player. An electronic version of the old tape recorder if you will.

What Is a Podcast and How Does It Work?

So the term itself would indicate that a podcast is some form of a regular broadcast using MP3 audio format and portable players -- the Apple name being optional. But a podcast is really both more and less than this.

For the purposes of this article I'm going to deal with what a podcast is on four levels.

1. A podcast is an audio file. In theory it is provided in MP3 format. MP3 format is a very capable, yet very compact format used for audio recording. It is also manufacturer independent. However, podcasts can also be provided using either the Windows native format (WMA) or Apple's Quicktime audio. In fact, there are a large number of audio formats available and podcasts can be found in any of them. However, MP3 is the most popular format.

2. It is intended to be retrieved from a website (e.g. iTunes or the creator's website) and downloaded to an MP3 player such as the iPod or one of many other manufacturers products. This recording can then be played back at any time while the audience is busy doing something else. Cars are a frequent location for the playback of these files. Busy commuters can listen to something useful while traveling to and from the office.

3. Content is whatever the podcast creator wishes. Like any radio broadcast. However, typically they tend to be focused on spoken content rather than music. This content can be provided in a number of different forms including teleseminars, interviews and readings.

4. In theory podcasts do not have to be regular. However, in practice they fit into two types. One time podcasts are usually not referred to as podcasts. The repeating podcast is repeated either once per week or once per month or daily. In short, they are meant to be a regularly re-occurring broadcast of opinion, information or news. In practice, audio files which are one-time only are referred to as MP3s. The term podcast is usually restricted to broadcasts which repeat on a regular basis.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

How Can H Pylori Cause Anxiety and Depression?

It is well known that H. pylori can cause digestive symptoms such as heartburn, reflux, bloating, nausea and vomiting. However, the knock on effects of bacterial and parasitic infections can be profound and may cause seemingly unrelated symptoms.

Research has clearly shown that H. pylori can cause vitamin B12 deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia.

Typically, in medical research other nutrients are not studied. However nutritionists who use advanced laboratory testing techniques commonly see deficiencies in vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 when patients have digestive infections. It is also not uncommon to see amino acid and fatty acid insufficiencies.

How Can H Pylori Cause Anxiety and Depression?

If the body becomes nutritionally depleted as a result of H. pylori and other digestive infections, symptoms can develop elsewhere in the body.

For example, amino acids are required for the production of thyroid hormone and the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. B6 is required for the formation of dopamine. If these chemicals are low in the body, depression, anxiety and fatigue can easily set in.

Typically SSRI antidepressant drugs will be prescribed in these situations but the key to successful treatment is actually to ensure the gut is functioning properly. This means removing H. pylori, other infections and ensuring proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Convenient and inexpensive urine testing can be employed to evaluate nutritional status and short-term supplementation can be used to replenish specific nutrient levels.

It is known that H. pylori and other digestive infections cause inflammation in the digestive tract. H. pylori is well known as a major cause of gastritis.

Inflammation always requires an anti-inflammatory response. The body's anti-inflammatory hormones are cortisol and cortisone. High levels of inflammation lead to higher than normal levels of cortisol. Because cortisol is a stimulatory hormone, high levels can lead to anxiety and panic.

An increased demand for cortisol also leads to a reduction in the sex hormones - progesterone, oestrogen and testosterone. Imbalances in these hormones can cause a multitude of symptoms, including depression, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, period pains, acne and more.

If the H. pylori is not dealt with and the inflammation continues, the cortisol levels will start to drop as the adrenal glands where it is made become fatigued. Low cortisol can also cause mood symptoms.

Doctors tend to overlook digestive infections as a cause of mood problems but the reality is that if a patient cannot absorb nutrients and has imbalanced hormones, mental and emotional symptoms are almost inevitable.

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If you are struggling with unexplained mood symptoms such as depression, anxiety, PMS, PMDD, take a look at You may want to join one of our free global teleseminars so that you can personally ask me your burning questions.

Dave Hompes makes it easy for people to beat Helicobacter Pylori, heartburn, ulcers & digestive pain. You can download the first three chapters of his ebook Overcoming H Pylori Naturally absolutely free by visiting:

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hardwood Floor Refinishing - Do It Yourself Tips

If you're lucky enough to find hardwood floors hiding under your tired carpeting, you might feel like covering the wood back up. That's understandable because refinishing the floors yourself seems like an impossible task.Hardwood floors were a common feature in houses until the 1960s. Before that, having wall-to-wall carpet was considered a luxury upgrade. From the 1970s on, most homes had wall-to-wall carpet in nearly every room. However, tastes change, and over the last couple decades, hardwood floors have once again become fashionable and desirable. Oftentimes, when I'm talking with someone about fixing houses, they ask if refinishing hardwood floors is something they can do themselves. Unless the person has a physical reason why they can't do it, I generally say yes. However, I also remind them that redoing hardwood floors takes a great deal of time, sweat, and elbow grease. As a general rule, floors of fifty square feet or less can be sanded by hand, but for any floor larger than that, rent or buy a small orbital sander. Everything necessary for doing it yourself will be available at your local hardware store. You can buy a pretty good electric sander nowadays for less than 0, which can be a good investment, especially if you're planning to work on your home on a regular basis.The first layer to be removed is often a thick wax coating, followed by a coat of either polyurethane or varnish. A heavy duty commercial wax stripper can remove the wax, and then a lacquer thinner or acetone can be wiped on to prepare the wood for the next step. If there are any carpet tacks or pieces of old nails in the wood, remove them first. The remnant of a nail can tear up sandpaper, damage a sanding pad, and do serious damage to the palm of your hand, so check carefully to make sure all remnants of tacks and nails are gone before you begin sanding. Fill all nail holes with a quality wood filler, matching the color as closely as you can, and let it dry. Then you're ready to begin sanding the floor with 220-grit sandpaper, whether by hand or with a sander. When you're done sanding, wipe the entire floor with a damp cloth to remove as much sanding dust as possible. Damp cloths work better than vacuum cleaners. Let the floor dry, and then wipe it again with a tack rag, which is a cloth impregnated with resin to pick up fine dust particles. Again, your local hardware store will have what you need.After the floor is as clean as you can get it, apply three coats of polyurethane with a paint pad, allowing each coat to dry thoroughly, lightly sanding with 220-grit paper, and wiping the floor with a damp cloth and a tack rag between coats. If you prefer an old-fashioned finish, you can use a 50/50 mixture of linseed oil and mineral spirits and then wax the floors with beeswax or paste wax. Take caution with the chemical mixture and the rags because they can catch on fire. You can refinish hardwood floors yourself. It just takes time and effort--and a good set of kneepads wouldn't hurt, either! Once you finish, you'll have a gorgeous floor to be proud of and ready for that next "do it yourself" project--perhaps the next room with hardwood floors. Copyright © 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

Hardwood Floor Refinishing - Do It Yourself Tips
Hardwood Floor Refinishing - Do It Yourself Tips
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Author Jeanette Fisher, America's "Dream Home" Maker, teaches interior design, redesign, and home staging. You can ask her questions on her Amazon blog or see for free home decorating teleseminars.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Wedding Parties: An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Is a Fun and Inexpensive Party Idea

An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social is a fun and inexpensive wedding party idea.

Ice Cream Socials make for a great party theme for engagement parties, couples showers, afternoon wedding receptions, wedding weekend festivities the day after the wedding or welcome home parties.

The ice cream social party theme has delighted men, women and children for generations!

Wedding Parties: An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Is a Fun and Inexpensive Party Idea

It is so easy to create An Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social. For the budget conscious, an ice cream social delivers excellent bang for the buck! Crunch the numbers and see for yourself!

Items Needed:

1. Ice Cream

You can simply serve vanilla ice cream or you can offer a variety of flavors.

2. Assorted Toppings

Chopped nuts, chopped orios, m&ms, chocolate chips, granola, coconut, dried fruits, fresh fruits, etc.

3. Assorted Sauces

Chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, strawberry sauce, hot fudge sauce, blueberry sauce

4. Whip Cream

Regular, light, and now you can even get chocolate whip cream!

5. Tablecloths, centerpieces, table decor

Create a special look!

6. Serving Bowls

You will need big serving bowls for the ice cream.

7. Ice Scoops and serving spoons

Make sure to have plenty of ice scoops and spoons to serve the different toppings.

8. Individual ice cream dishes, spoons, napkins for guests

You can rent old fashioned ice cream dishes or even use pretty disposable bowls.

9. Camera and film

Take lots of pictures and make a little scrap book at a later date.

10. Ice

Regular Ice and Dry Ice, too (if you do not have freezers at the party location)

11. Beverages

Tubs of iced down sodas and bottled waters, pitchers of lemonade, frozen ice cream punch station

12. Cookies or Brownies

Not necessary but well received!

13. Fresh Fruit Display

Not necessary but also well received!

Add something like a game of croquet to your theme and you will have the makings of a wonderful old fashioned party that will long be remembered!

Abundant Blessings!

Kathi Dameron

Wedding Reception Teleseminars For Brides

Learn How To Self-Cater or Semi-Cater Your Own Wedding Reception


© 2006 Kathi Dameron, Kathi Dameron and Associates

Note To Publishers: You are invited to share this article through your ezine, website or print publication provided you publish this article in its entirety and include the copyright statement, bio information, active website links and contact information.

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Kathi Dameron teaches brides-to-be how to create beautiful and affordable wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, bridesmaid luncheons and other festive soirees that pop with personality and panache.

Today, Kathi shares her wedding reception expertise that she gained during her tenure as the owner, chef, and event designer of Canopy Rose Catering, a high end catering and special event company that was located in Tallahassee, Florida.

Brides and other interested individuals who want to learn the secrets to creating a dream wedding on any budget can attend Kathi's Wedding Reception Teleseminars.

Brides can learn more about attending these teleseminars from the comfort of their own home by visiting or contacting Kathi Dameron at 850-422-3599

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to Make Money Online Without a Website Or a List - Posting Ads For Companies Online

For those who have been hit hard by the economic recession and have lost their jobs in the process or those who do not want to rely on only one channel of income through their day time jobs,making money online through simply posting ads for blue chip companies all over the world is an opportunity which has not been properly tapped by various online money makers.

The idea behind this online making opportunity is that these companies have recognized the expanse and viral spread of the internet technology to all parts of the world,that it has become necessary to use the opportunity to advertise their products and services to every nook and cranny of the universe.

The ability to post such ads extensively by an in-house employee workforce can be so demanding that these companies decide to outsource such tasks to offshore companies who have a worldwide network of data entry workers who took the opportunity by subscribing to the online money making program.It must be noted that it is a win-win situation for the companies who pay you for submitting their ads likewise you who takes the pain,effort and energy to submit their ads for them.The companies make money through people who view and click their ads by subscribing to their services or buying their products while you get paid for posting those ads.The beauty of this program is the more you post the more you earn.You can actually set a goal of how much you intend to earn for the week or the month and go to work with determination and resilience.This is about the best money making opportunity from the comfort of your home on the internet.

How to Make Money Online Without a Website Or a List - Posting Ads For Companies Online

Five tips to get started on this money making opportunity include:

1.Look for companies you know their track record and financial status
2.Look for companies that offer services or products you are familiar with especially those within your locality
3.Post regularly, offering valuable information
4.Look for forums who have similar interest to what you do and share your experiences.This comes with lots of moral boost and extra energy on your part to keep on in achieving your goal.Some forums recommended for this purpose include,, etc.These are forums with lots of members and lots of activity.
5.Finally to succeed you need to register to start posting ads,registration is free but you need the right information on how to get started and useful resources on the best companies who have had a good payment record to work for.One place to acquire resources on how to get started could be found on

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John Lee Edwards shares information on this money making opportunity on his blog Visit his website to get free information and resources on how to get started on making money online through posting ads for companies.

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