Sunday, December 2, 2012

Spiritual Bypass or Breakthrough - Three Keys for Practical Spiritual Transformation

Longing to Know our Divine Essence

Whether we consciously recognize it or not, from my perspective, we are all called to a greater awakening into Spirit, into the awareness of being part of the great presence of God, the creative Intelligence behind all universes. We long to know our connection, our oneness with that Divinity.

Human Experience Doesn't Always Line Up with Spiritual

Spiritual Bypass or Breakthrough - Three Keys for Practical Spiritual Transformation

At the same time, we live in a very material, very human world. We make choices and have experiences that don't always line up with spiritual reality.

Bypass or Breakthrough?

In counseling with people who are on a spiritual path, I've found two distinct approaches to dealing with human experiences that might block our greater experience of the Divine, not to mention blocking greater happiness and success in daily living.

Perhaps because we don't know there is a more effective approach, some of us habitually choose a spiritual by-pass. That's when we have an inner challenge and instead of going deeply within, facing the discomfort, and doing the work required to resolve the issue or heal the hurt, we say some positive words and pretend or hope the issue will go away.

Sometimes we choose the spiritual bypass because of fear of what we would have to face inwardly -- shame, guilt, judgments, negative self-perceptions, the pain of old wounds. We skate around the issue, tell ourselves it's okay, repeat a few positive statements, but inwardly something still goes, "Clunk."

Practical Spiritual Breakthroughs

Some of us have learned how to create consistent practical spiritual breakthroughs. That's when we do actually acknowledge, lovingly confront and embrace the issues that demand attention. In so doing, we release them, creating an opening for greater awareness of our own Divine Essence -- our own peace, loving, truth, joy, harmony, upliftment and Light. A remarkable author and teacher, John-Roger, has said repeatedly that It takes great courage to see the face of God because first you have to look at your own.

Many times we have to address these inner challenges over and over, gently chipping away chunks of the "icebergs" in our unconscious. Or we can think of it as peeling an onion. We get a breakthrough, experience more peace and loving, but a few months later the issue comes around again and we get to explore and break through to a deeper level.

How to Create Your Own Practical Spiritual Breakthroughs

How can you create more of these practical spiritual breakthroughs, clearing space to connect with your Divine Essence more often and more completely?

Go for the deeper work available in your own challenging situations. If necessary, get some short term counseling support from someone who understands these processes and has done their own deep work for spiritual growth.

Three Keys for Transformation

Here are three simple keys you can apply within your own quest for spiritual breakthroughs.

1) Accept what is.

Look deeply and dare to see it for what it is. Affirm, "I am willing to see this clearly."

2) Love all of yourself,

Even the parts of you that don't seem to cooperate. Consciously apply loving to each seemingly negative aspect and allow it to transform itself. Dialogue with caring and appreciation for whatever that aspect is teaching you. Say, "I love you. I'm listening. Is there anything you want to say to me now?"

3) Forgive yourself

As often as necessary for your consciousness to shift from judgment to acceptance and loving. Say, "I forgive myself for judging myself as . . . (a quality like stupid) or for . . . (doing or thinking or saying whatever it was)."

Spiritual Bypass or Breakthrough - Three Keys for Practical Spiritual Transformation
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While you are opening to more spiritual breakthroughs, I invite you visit my website for various articles on loving yourself into greater personal peace, tips on meditating, and so forth.

You might also want to sign up for my free newsletter, 17 Simple Stress Solutions, at If you receive this newsletter, you will get notification if and when I resume free teleseminars dealing with self-compassion, personal peace and practical spiritual growth.

Dr. Ilenya Marrin is a spiritual counselor, inspirational speaker and author of ebooks The Power of Personal Peace: Reducing Stress by Loving Yourself from the Inside Out and 77 Loving Steps for Success.

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